Where to Call for Support?
The University and its IT services teams are available to support students, faculty and staff
Students should reach out to the IT Service Desk by calling 973-655-7971, emailing itservicedesk@zsdzi1.com or contact us through our Online Chat.
If I Do Not Have a Computer at Home
Students should be reminded that they can use a laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone to access Canvas to complete their work. There is a Canvas mobile application in the Apple App Store and Google Play that should be just as effective.
Email itservicedesk@zsdzi1.com if you need a loaner laptop to do your coursework. Information Technology will be in touch with you promptly with an appointment to pick up a loaner from University Hall.
No Internet Access at Home
If you do not have internet access, we advise that you contact your cable and cellular telephone service providers to see if there are any free or reduced pricing internet access options being made available.
Many internet service providers (ISP) and cell phone companies are offering Free or Low-Cost internet for K-12, Colleges and Universities that are affected by closures due to the Coronavirus. Please contact your current phone carrier or some of the local companies to see if you are eligible for some of the plans.
We have researched some options and listed them on the Internet Access and Hotspot page.
It is also possible to enable “hot spots” on mobile phones (in effect setting up a local wifi network that rides on top of cell data – so not preferred because it is slower and more expensive than “real” wifi connections). If you do not have better options to obtain wifi access, you can call your carrier to enable “hot spots.”
Students who are unable to access Wi-Fi at home will be allowed to use the second-floor cafeteria and third-floor lounge in the Student Center. These spaces will be supervised. As a health precaution, students must observe a safe social distance of six feet, and eating will not be permitted. Alternatively, students should find a campus Wi-Fi signal from your car if you park (legally) in one of the campus parking spots near a campus building.
Hosting/Participating in Audio/Video Conferences
You can use Zoom to conduct audio and video conferences over the Internet, using just a computer, without using a cell phone voice or data plan. All Faculty, Staff and Students have access to Zoom for an unlimited time. You will be able to access Zoom and login with your Montclair Google credentials (lastnamef@zsdzi1.com, password).
Enable Zoom Passwords
Use a password to keep your Zoom meetings private. Learn how to use your Zoom password to manage meetings.
Enable Zoom Waiting Room
Attendees cannot join a meeting until a host admits them individually from the waiting room. If the Waiting room is enabled, the option for attendees to join the meeting before the host arrives is automatically disabled for all meetings.
- Sign in to Zoom and access the Settings tab.
- Click on the In Meeting (Advanced) option.
- Search or scroll to find the Waiting Room option.
- Toggle the button next to the Waiting Room to enable this feature.
Help Available for Students to Succeed in Online Courses
Canvas Orientation Course for Students
Student Guide for Online Learning. This is a guide for student learning online to understand what online learning entails, particularly for those who never have not previously taken online classes.
Students should be reminded that they can use a laptop, desktop, tablet or smartphone to access Canvas to complete their work. There is a Canvas mobile application in the Apple App Store and Google Play that should be just as effective.
Email itservicedesk@zsdzi1.com if you need a loaner laptop to do your coursework. Information Technology will be in touch with you promptly with an appointment to pick up a loaner from University Hall.
Be sure to bring your ID card.
Note: Social distancing and disinfecting protocols will be followed for all staff and students in the laptop lending process.
Adobe Creative Cloud
The University has received an exception through Adobe to allow us to extend Adobe Creative Cloud to our students through May 31, 2020. For students to gain access, please have them go to http://creativecloud.adobe.com and login. Please review full directions before logging in. Full directions can be found under the Teaching and Learning Technologies tab on the IT website.
Microsoft Office on Home Computers
All Montclair State University faculty, staff and students can download a free copy by signing up with your Montclair email account at Microsoft Office 365 Education web page.
Browser Updates on Non-MSU-Managed Workstation
We recommend only updating your browser from the vendor and not any 3rd party sites as these sites could prove to be a security risk. Please click on the browser name below to find out how to perform the update.
Google Chrome | Microsoft Edge | Microsoft Internet Explorer | Mozilla Firefox | Safari
Security Tips
With the increased use of remote access during this emergency period, it is important to remain mindful of ways to minimize the risk to University and personal information. Please visit the Secure Remote Access page for tips for safer remote computing.